test_string.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~test_string.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~test_string.f90 test_string.f90 sourcefile~interface.f90 interface.f90 sourcefile~test_string.f90->sourcefile~interface.f90


Source Code

Source Code

program test_string

use, intrinsic:: iso_fortran_env, only:  stderr=>error_unit
use, intrinsic:: iso_c_binding, only: c_null_char

use h5fortran, only : hdf5_file

implicit none (type, external)

type(hdf5_file) :: h
integer :: i
character(2) :: value
character(1024) :: val1k
character(:), allocatable :: final

character(*), parameter :: path='test_string.h5'

call h%open(path, status='replace')

call h%write('/little', '42')
call h%write_char('/little_char', '42')
call h%write('/MySentence', 'this is a little sentence.')

call h%close()

call h%open(path, status='old', action='r')
call h%read('/little', value)

if (value /= '42') error stop 'test_string:  read/write verification failure. Value: '// value

print *,'test_string_rw: reading too much data'
!! try reading too much data, then truncating to first C_NULL
call h%read('/little', val1k)
i = index(val1k, c_null_char)
final = val1k(:i-1)

if (len(final) /= 2) then
  write(stderr, *) 'trimming str to c_null did not work, got len() = ', len(final)
  write(stderr, *) iachar(final(3:3))
  error stop

call h%close()

print *,'PASSED: HDF5 string write/read'

end program