test_deflate.f90 Source File

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sourcefile~~test_deflate.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~test_deflate.f90 test_deflate.f90 sourcefile~interface.f90 interface.f90 sourcefile~test_deflate.f90->sourcefile~interface.f90


Source Code

Source Code

program test_deflate
!! unit tests and registration tests of HDF5 deflate compression write
use, intrinsic:: iso_fortran_env, only: int32, real32, real64, stderr=>error_unit
use h5fortran, only: hdf5_file
use hdf5, only: H5D_CHUNKED_F, H5D_CONTIGUOUS_F, hsize_t

implicit none (type, external)

call test_hdf5_deflate()
print *,'PASSED: HDF5 compression'


subroutine test_hdf5_deflate()
type(hdf5_file) :: h5f
integer(hsize_t), parameter :: N=1000
integer(hsize_t) :: crat, chunks(3)
integer ::  fsize, layout

integer, allocatable :: ibig2(:,:), ibig3(:,:,:)
real(real32), allocatable :: big2(:,:), big3(:,:,:)
character(*), parameter :: fn1='deflate1.h5', fn2='deflate2.h5', fn3='deflate3.h5', fn4='deflate4.h5'

allocate(ibig2(N,N), ibig3(N,N,4), big2(N,N), big3(N,N,4))

ibig2 = 0
ibig3 = 0
big2 = 0
big3 = 0

call h5f%open(fn1, status='replace', comp_lvl=1, debug=.true.)
call h5f%write('/big2', big2, chunk_size=[100,100])
call h5f%write('/small_contig', big2(:5,:5))
call h5f%close()

inquire(file=fn1, size=fsize)
crat = (N*N*storage_size(big2)/8) / fsize
print '(A,F6.2,A,I6)','filesize (Mbytes): ',fsize/1e6, '   2D compression ratio:',crat
if (h5f%comp_lvl > 0 .and. crat < 10) error stop '2D low compression'

call h5f%open(fn1, status='old', action='r', debug=.false.)

layout = h5f%layout('/big2')
if(layout /= H5D_CHUNKED_F) error stop '#1 not chunked layout'
if(.not.h5f%is_chunked('/big2')) error stop '#1 not chunked layout'
call h5f%chunks('/big2', chunks(:2))
if(any(chunks(:2) /= [100, 100])) error stop '#1 get_chunk mismatch'

layout = h5f%layout('/small_contig')
if(layout /= H5D_CONTIGUOUS_F) error stop '#1 not contiguous layout'
if(.not.h5f%is_contig('/small_contig')) error stop '#1 not contig layout'
call h5f%chunks('/small_contig', chunks(:2))
if(any(chunks(:2) /= -1)) error stop '#1 get_chunk mismatch'

call h5f%close()


call h5f%open(fn2, status='replace',comp_lvl=1, debug=.true.)
call h5f%write('/big3', big3, chunk_size=[100,100,1])

call h5f%write('/big3_autochunk', big3)
call h5f%chunks('/big3_autochunk', chunks)
if(any(chunks /= [63,125,1])) error stop '#3 auto chunk unexpected chunk size'

call h5f%close()

inquire(file=fn2, size=fsize)
crat = (2*N*N*storage_size(big3)/8) / fsize

print '(A,F6.2,A,I6)','#2 filesize (Mbytes): ',fsize/1e6, '   3D compression ratio:',crat

if (h5f%comp_lvl > 0 .and. crat < 10) error stop '#2 3D low compression'

call h5f%open(fn3, status='replace',comp_lvl=1, debug=.true.)

call h5f%write('/ibig3', ibig3(:N-10,:N-20,:))
call h5f%chunks('/ibig3', chunks)
if(any(chunks /= [62,123,1])) error stop '#3 auto chunk unexpected chunk size'

call h5f%close()

inquire(file=fn3, size=fsize)
crat = (N*N*storage_size(ibig3)/8) / fsize

print '(A,F6.2,A,I6)','#3 filesize (Mbytes): ',fsize/1e6, '   3D compression ratio:',crat

if (h5f%comp_lvl > 0 .and. crat < 10) error stop '#3 3D low compression'

call h5f%open(fn4, status='replace',comp_lvl=1, debug=.true.)
call h5f%write('/ibig2', ibig2, chunk_size=[100,100])
call h5f%close()

inquire(file=fn4, size=fsize)
crat = (N*N*storage_size(ibig2)/8) / fsize

print '(A,F6.2,A,I6)','#4 filesize (Mbytes): ',fsize/1e6, '   3D compression ratio:',crat

if (h5f%comp_lvl > 0 .and. crat < 10) error stop '#4 3D low compression'

end subroutine test_hdf5_deflate

end program