Module pymap3d.sidereal

manipulations of sidereal time

Source code
# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Michael Hirsch, Ph.D.
""" manipulations of sidereal time """
from math import pi
from datetime import datetime

from .timeconv import str2dt

    from astropy.time import Time
    import astropy.units as u
    from astropy.coordinates import Longitude
except ImportError:
    Time = None

The "usevallado" datetime to julian runs 4 times faster than astropy.
However, AstroPy is more accurate.

__all__ = ["datetime2sidereal", "juliandate", "julian2sidereal"]

def datetime2sidereal(time: datetime, lon_radians: float, usevallado: bool = True) -> float:
    Convert ``datetime`` to sidereal time

    from D. Vallado "Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications"

    time : datetime.datetime
        time to convert
    lon_radians : float
        longitude (radians)
    usevallado : bool, optional
        use vallado instead of AstroPy (default is Vallado)


    tsr : float
        Sidereal time
    if isinstance(time, (tuple, list)):
        return [datetime2sidereal(t, lon_radians) for t in time]

    usevallado = usevallado or Time is None
    if usevallado:
        jd = juliandate(str2dt(time))
        # %% Greenwich Sidereal time RADIANS
        gst = julian2sidereal(jd)
        # %% Algorithm 15 p. 188 rotate GST to LOCAL SIDEREAL TIME
        tsr = gst + lon_radians
        tsr = Time(time).sidereal_time(kind="apparent", longitude=Longitude(lon_radians, unit=u.radian)).radian

    return tsr

def juliandate(time: datetime) -> float:
    Python datetime to Julian time

    from D.Vallado Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications p.187
     and J. Meeus Astronomical Algorithms 1991 Eqn. 7.1 pg. 61


    time : datetime.datetime
        time to convert


    jd : float
        Julian date
    if isinstance(time, (tuple, list)):
        return list(map(juliandate, time))

    if time.month < 3:
        year = time.year - 1
        month = time.month + 12
        year = time.year
        month = time.month

    A = int(year / 100.0)
    B = 2 - A + int(A / 4.0)
    C = ((time.second / 60.0 + time.minute) / 60.0 + time.hour) / 24.0

    return int(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + int(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + + B - 1524.5 + C

def julian2sidereal(Jdate: float) -> float:
    Convert Julian time to sidereal time

    D. Vallado Ed. 4


    Jdate: float
        Julian centuries from J2000.0


    tsr : float
        Sidereal time
    if isinstance(Jdate, (tuple, list)):
        return list(map(julian2sidereal, Jdate))

    # %% Vallado Eq. 3-42 p. 184, Seidelmann 3.311-1
    tUT1 = (Jdate - 2451545.0) / 36525.0

    # Eqn. 3-47 p. 188
    gmst_sec = 67310.54841 + (876600 * 3600 + 8640184.812866) * tUT1 + 0.093104 * tUT1 ** 2 - 6.2e-6 * tUT1 ** 3

    # 1/86400 and %(2*pi) implied by units of radians
    return gmst_sec * (2 * pi) / 86400.0 % (2 * pi)


def datetime2sidereal(time, lon_radians, usevallado=True)

Convert datetime to sidereal time

from D. Vallado "Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications"

time : datetime.datetime time to convert lon_radians : float longitude (radians) usevallado : bool, optional use vallado instead of AstroPy (default is Vallado)


tsr : float
Sidereal time
Source code
def datetime2sidereal(time: datetime, lon_radians: float, usevallado: bool = True) -> float:
    Convert ``datetime`` to sidereal time

    from D. Vallado "Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications"

    time : datetime.datetime
        time to convert
    lon_radians : float
        longitude (radians)
    usevallado : bool, optional
        use vallado instead of AstroPy (default is Vallado)


    tsr : float
        Sidereal time
    if isinstance(time, (tuple, list)):
        return [datetime2sidereal(t, lon_radians) for t in time]

    usevallado = usevallado or Time is None
    if usevallado:
        jd = juliandate(str2dt(time))
        # %% Greenwich Sidereal time RADIANS
        gst = julian2sidereal(jd)
        # %% Algorithm 15 p. 188 rotate GST to LOCAL SIDEREAL TIME
        tsr = gst + lon_radians
        tsr = Time(time).sidereal_time(kind="apparent", longitude=Longitude(lon_radians, unit=u.radian)).radian

    return tsr
def julian2sidereal(Jdate)

Convert Julian time to sidereal time

D. Vallado Ed. 4


Jdate : float
Julian centuries from J2000.0


tsr : float
Sidereal time
Source code
def julian2sidereal(Jdate: float) -> float:
    Convert Julian time to sidereal time

    D. Vallado Ed. 4


    Jdate: float
        Julian centuries from J2000.0


    tsr : float
        Sidereal time
    if isinstance(Jdate, (tuple, list)):
        return list(map(julian2sidereal, Jdate))

    # %% Vallado Eq. 3-42 p. 184, Seidelmann 3.311-1
    tUT1 = (Jdate - 2451545.0) / 36525.0

    # Eqn. 3-47 p. 188
    gmst_sec = 67310.54841 + (876600 * 3600 + 8640184.812866) * tUT1 + 0.093104 * tUT1 ** 2 - 6.2e-6 * tUT1 ** 3

    # 1/86400 and %(2*pi) implied by units of radians
    return gmst_sec * (2 * pi) / 86400.0 % (2 * pi)
def juliandate(time)

Python datetime to Julian time

from D.Vallado Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications p.187 and J. Meeus Astronomical Algorithms 1991 Eqn. 7.1 pg. 61


time : datetime.datetime
time to convert


jd : float
Julian date
Source code
def juliandate(time: datetime) -> float:
    Python datetime to Julian time

    from D.Vallado Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications p.187
     and J. Meeus Astronomical Algorithms 1991 Eqn. 7.1 pg. 61


    time : datetime.datetime
        time to convert


    jd : float
        Julian date
    if isinstance(time, (tuple, list)):
        return list(map(juliandate, time))

    if time.month < 3:
        year = time.year - 1
        month = time.month + 12
        year = time.year
        month = time.month

    A = int(year / 100.0)
    B = 2 - A + int(A / 4.0)
    C = ((time.second / 60.0 + time.minute) / 60.0 + time.hour) / 24.0

    return int(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + int(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + + B - 1524.5 + C