Module pymap3d.latitude

geodetic transforms to auxilary coordinate systems involving latitude

Source code
"""geodetic transforms to auxilary coordinate systems involving latitude"""
from .ellipsoid import Ellipsoid
from .utils import sanitize

    from numpy import radians, degrees, tan, sin, exp, pi, sqrt, inf, vectorize
    from numpy import arctan as atan, arcsinh as asinh, arctanh as atanh  # noqa: A001

    use_numpy = True
except ImportError:
    from math import atan, radians, degrees, tan, sin, asinh, atanh, exp, pi, sqrt, inf

    use_numpy = False

__all__ = [

def geodetic2geocentric(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    convert geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude.

    like Matlab geocentricLatitude()

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geocentric_lat : float
         geocentric latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    geocentric_lat = atan((1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2) * tan(geodetic_lat))

    return degrees(geocentric_lat) if deg else geocentric_lat

def geocentric2geodetic(geocentric_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geocentric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab geodeticLatitudeFromGeocentric()

    geocentric_lat : float
         geocentric latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    geocentric_lat, ell = sanitize(geocentric_lat, ell, deg)

    geodetic_lat = atan(tan(geocentric_lat) / (1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2))

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat

def geodetic2isometric_point(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    e = ell.eccentricity

    if abs(geodetic_lat - pi / 2) <= 1e-9:
        isometric_lat = inf
    elif abs(-geodetic_lat - pi / 2) <= 1e-9:
        isometric_lat = -inf
        isometric_lat = asinh(tan(geodetic_lat)) - e * atanh(e * sin(geodetic_lat))
        # same results
        # a1 = e * sin(geodetic_lat)
        # y = (1 - a1) / (1 + a1)
        # a2 = pi / 4 + geodetic_lat / 2
        # isometric_lat = log(tan(a2) * (y ** (e / 2)))
        # isometric_lat = log(tan(a2)) + e/2 * log((1-e*sin(geodetic_lat)) / (1+e*sin(geodetic_lat)))

    return degrees(isometric_lat) if deg else isometric_lat

def geodetic2isometric(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    computes isometric latitude on an ellipsoid

    like Matlab map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter.forward()

    lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    isolat : float
         isometric latiude

    Isometric latitude is an auxiliary latitude proportional to the spacing
    of parallels of latitude on an ellipsoidal mercator projection.
    Based on Deakin, R.E., 2010, 'The Loxodrome on an Ellipsoid', Lecture Notes,
    School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University,
    January 2010
    if use_numpy:
        fun = vectorize(geodetic2isometric_point)
        return fun(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)
        return geodetic2isometric_point(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

def isometric2geodetic(isometric_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from isometric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    isometric_lat : float
         isometric latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    # NOT sanitize for isometric2geo
    if deg:
        isometric_lat = radians(isometric_lat)

    conformal_lat = 2 * atan(exp(isometric_lat)) - (pi / 2)
    geodetic_lat = conformal2geodetic(conformal_lat, ell, deg=False)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat

def conformal2geodetic(conformal_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from conformal latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    conformal_lat : float
        conformal latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    conformal_lat, ell = sanitize(conformal_lat, ell, deg)

    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = e ** 2 / 2 + 5 * e ** 4 / 24 + e ** 6 / 12 + 13 * e ** 8 / 360
    f2 = 7 * e ** 4 / 48 + 29 * e ** 6 / 240 + 811 * e ** 8 / 11520
    f3 = 7 * e ** 6 / 120 + 81 * e ** 8 / 1120
    f4 = 4279 * e ** 8 / 161280

    geodetic_lat = (
        + f1 * sin(2 * conformal_lat)
        + f2 * sin(4 * conformal_lat)
        + f3 * sin(6 * conformal_lat)
        + f4 * sin(8 * conformal_lat)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat

def geodetic2conformal(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to conformal latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter.forward()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    conformal_lat : float
         conformal latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    if use_numpy:
        fun = vectorize(geodetic2conformal_point)
        return fun(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)
        return geodetic2conformal_point(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

def geodetic2conformal_point(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = 1 - e * sin(geodetic_lat)
    f2 = 1 + e * sin(geodetic_lat)
    f3 = 1 - sin(geodetic_lat)
    f4 = 1 + sin(geodetic_lat)

    #  compute conformal latitudes with correction for points at +90
        conformal_lat = 2 * atan(sqrt((f4 / f3) * ((f1 / f2) ** e))) - (pi / 2)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        conformal_lat = pi / 2

    return degrees(conformal_lat) if deg else conformal_lat

# %% rectifying
def geodetic2rectifying(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to rectifying latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter.forward()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    rectifying_lat : float
         rectifying latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    n = ell.thirdflattening
    f1 = 3 * n / 2 - 9 * n ** 3 / 16
    f2 = 15 * n ** 2 / 16 - 15 * n ** 4 / 32
    f3 = 35 * n ** 3 / 48
    f4 = 315 * n ** 4 / 512

    rectifying_lat = (
        - f1 * sin(2 * geodetic_lat)
        + f2 * sin(4 * geodetic_lat)
        - f3 * sin(6 * geodetic_lat)
        + f4 * sin(8 * geodetic_lat)

    return degrees(rectifying_lat) if deg else rectifying_lat

def rectifying2geodetic(rectifying_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from rectifying latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    rectifying_lat : float
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    rectifying_lat, ell = sanitize(rectifying_lat, ell, deg)

    n = ell.thirdflattening
    f1 = 3 * n / 2 - 27 * n ** 3 / 32
    f2 = 21 * n ** 2 / 16 - 55 * n ** 4 / 32
    f3 = 151 * n ** 3 / 96
    f4 = 1097 * n ** 4 / 512

    geodetic_lat = (
        + f1 * sin(2 * rectifying_lat)
        + f2 * sin(4 * rectifying_lat)
        + f3 * sin(6 * rectifying_lat)
        + f4 * sin(8 * rectifying_lat)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat

# %% authalic
def geodetic2authalic(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to authalic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter.forward()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    authalic_lat : float
         authalic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = e ** 2 / 3 + 31 * e ** 4 / 180 + 59 * e ** 6 / 560
    f2 = 17 * e ** 4 / 360 + 61 * e ** 6 / 1260
    f3 = 383 * e ** 6 / 45360

    authalic_lat = geodetic_lat - f1 * sin(2 * geodetic_lat) + f2 * sin(4 * geodetic_lat) - f3 * sin(6 * geodetic_lat)

    return degrees(authalic_lat) if deg else authalic_lat

def authalic2geodetic(authalic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from authalic latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    authalic_lat : float
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    authalic_lat, ell = sanitize(authalic_lat, ell, deg)
    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = e ** 2 / 3 + 31 * e ** 4 / 180 + 517 * e ** 6 / 5040
    f2 = 23 * e ** 4 / 360 + 251 * e ** 6 / 3780
    f3 = 761 * e ** 6 / 45360

    geodetic_lat = authalic_lat + f1 * sin(2 * authalic_lat) + f2 * sin(4 * authalic_lat) + f3 * sin(6 * authalic_lat)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat

# %% parametric
def geodetic2parametric(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to parametric latitude

    like Matlab parametriclatitude()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    parametric_lat : float
         parametric latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    parametric_lat = atan(sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2) * tan(geodetic_lat))

    return degrees(parametric_lat) if deg else parametric_lat

def parametric2geodetic(parametric_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from parametric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab geodeticLatitudeFromParametric()

    parametric_lat : float
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    parametric_lat, ell = sanitize(parametric_lat, ell, deg)

    geodetic_lat = atan(tan(parametric_lat) / sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2))

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat


def authalic2geodetic(authalic_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from authalic latitude to geodetic latitude

like Matlab map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter.inverse()


authalic_lat : float
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def authalic2geodetic(authalic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from authalic latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    authalic_lat : float
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    authalic_lat, ell = sanitize(authalic_lat, ell, deg)
    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = e ** 2 / 3 + 31 * e ** 4 / 180 + 517 * e ** 6 / 5040
    f2 = 23 * e ** 4 / 360 + 251 * e ** 6 / 3780
    f3 = 761 * e ** 6 / 45360

    geodetic_lat = authalic_lat + f1 * sin(2 * authalic_lat) + f2 * sin(4 * authalic_lat) + f3 * sin(6 * authalic_lat)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
def conformal2geodetic(conformal_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from conformal latitude to geodetic latitude

like Matlab map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter.inverse()


conformal_lat : float
conformal latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def conformal2geodetic(conformal_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from conformal latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    conformal_lat : float
        conformal latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    conformal_lat, ell = sanitize(conformal_lat, ell, deg)

    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = e ** 2 / 2 + 5 * e ** 4 / 24 + e ** 6 / 12 + 13 * e ** 8 / 360
    f2 = 7 * e ** 4 / 48 + 29 * e ** 6 / 240 + 811 * e ** 8 / 11520
    f3 = 7 * e ** 6 / 120 + 81 * e ** 8 / 1120
    f4 = 4279 * e ** 8 / 161280

    geodetic_lat = (
        + f1 * sin(2 * conformal_lat)
        + f2 * sin(4 * conformal_lat)
        + f3 * sin(6 * conformal_lat)
        + f4 * sin(8 * conformal_lat)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
def geocentric2geodetic(geocentric_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from geocentric latitude to geodetic latitude

like Matlab geodeticLatitudeFromGeocentric()


geocentric_lat : float
geocentric latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def geocentric2geodetic(geocentric_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geocentric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab geodeticLatitudeFromGeocentric()

    geocentric_lat : float
         geocentric latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    geocentric_lat, ell = sanitize(geocentric_lat, ell, deg)

    geodetic_lat = atan(tan(geocentric_lat) / (1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2))

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
def geodetic2authalic(geodetic_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from geodetic latitude to authalic latitude

like Matlab map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter.forward()


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


authalic_lat : float
authalic latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def geodetic2authalic(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to authalic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.AuthalicLatitudeConverter.forward()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    authalic_lat : float
         authalic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = e ** 2 / 3 + 31 * e ** 4 / 180 + 59 * e ** 6 / 560
    f2 = 17 * e ** 4 / 360 + 61 * e ** 6 / 1260
    f3 = 383 * e ** 6 / 45360

    authalic_lat = geodetic_lat - f1 * sin(2 * geodetic_lat) + f2 * sin(4 * geodetic_lat) - f3 * sin(6 * geodetic_lat)

    return degrees(authalic_lat) if deg else authalic_lat
def geodetic2conformal(geodetic_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from geodetic latitude to conformal latitude

like Matlab map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter.forward()


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


conformal_lat : float
conformal latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def geodetic2conformal(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to conformal latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.ConformalLatitudeConverter.forward()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    conformal_lat : float
         conformal latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    if use_numpy:
        fun = vectorize(geodetic2conformal_point)
        return fun(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)
        return geodetic2conformal_point(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)
def geodetic2geocentric(geodetic_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

convert geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude.

like Matlab geocentricLatitude()


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


geocentric_lat : float
geocentric latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def geodetic2geocentric(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    convert geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude.

    like Matlab geocentricLatitude()

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geocentric_lat : float
         geocentric latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    geocentric_lat = atan((1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2) * tan(geodetic_lat))

    return degrees(geocentric_lat) if deg else geocentric_lat
def geodetic2isometric(geodetic_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

computes isometric latitude on an ellipsoid

like Matlab map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter.forward()


lat : float
geodetic latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


isolat : float
isometric latiude


Isometric latitude is an auxiliary latitude proportional to the spacing of parallels of latitude on an ellipsoidal mercator projection. Based on Deakin, R.E., 2010, 'The Loxodrome on an Ellipsoid', Lecture Notes, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University, January 2010

Source code
def geodetic2isometric(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    computes isometric latitude on an ellipsoid

    like Matlab map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter.forward()

    lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    isolat : float
         isometric latiude

    Isometric latitude is an auxiliary latitude proportional to the spacing
    of parallels of latitude on an ellipsoidal mercator projection.
    Based on Deakin, R.E., 2010, 'The Loxodrome on an Ellipsoid', Lecture Notes,
    School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University,
    January 2010
    if use_numpy:
        fun = vectorize(geodetic2isometric_point)
        return fun(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)
        return geodetic2isometric_point(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)
def geodetic2parametric(geodetic_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from geodetic latitude to parametric latitude

like Matlab parametriclatitude()


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


parametric_lat : float
parametric latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def geodetic2parametric(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to parametric latitude

    like Matlab parametriclatitude()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    parametric_lat : float
         parametric latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    parametric_lat = atan(sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2) * tan(geodetic_lat))

    return degrees(parametric_lat) if deg else parametric_lat
def geodetic2rectifying(geodetic_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from geodetic latitude to rectifying latitude

like Matlab map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter.forward()


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


rectifying_lat : float
rectifying latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def geodetic2rectifying(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from geodetic latitude to rectifying latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter.forward()

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    rectifying_lat : float
         rectifying latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    n = ell.thirdflattening
    f1 = 3 * n / 2 - 9 * n ** 3 / 16
    f2 = 15 * n ** 2 / 16 - 15 * n ** 4 / 32
    f3 = 35 * n ** 3 / 48
    f4 = 315 * n ** 4 / 512

    rectifying_lat = (
        - f1 * sin(2 * geodetic_lat)
        + f2 * sin(4 * geodetic_lat)
        - f3 * sin(6 * geodetic_lat)
        + f4 * sin(8 * geodetic_lat)

    return degrees(rectifying_lat) if deg else rectifying_lat
def isometric2geodetic(isometric_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from isometric latitude to geodetic latitude

like Matlab map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter.inverse()


isometric_lat : float
isometric latitude
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def isometric2geodetic(isometric_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from isometric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.IsometricLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    isometric_lat : float
         isometric latitude
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
         reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
         geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    # NOT sanitize for isometric2geo
    if deg:
        isometric_lat = radians(isometric_lat)

    conformal_lat = 2 * atan(exp(isometric_lat)) - (pi / 2)
    geodetic_lat = conformal2geodetic(conformal_lat, ell, deg=False)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
def parametric2geodetic(parametric_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from parametric latitude to geodetic latitude

like Matlab geodeticLatitudeFromParametric()


parametric_lat : float
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def parametric2geodetic(parametric_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from parametric latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab geodeticLatitudeFromParametric()

    parametric_lat : float
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    parametric_lat, ell = sanitize(parametric_lat, ell, deg)

    geodetic_lat = atan(tan(parametric_lat) / sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2))

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
def rectifying2geodetic(rectifying_lat, ell=None, deg=True)

converts from rectifying latitude to geodetic latitude

like Matlab map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter.inverse()


rectifying_lat : float
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
deg : bool, optional
degrees input/output (False: radians in/out)


geodetic_lat : float
geodetic latiude


Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual", US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

Source code
def rectifying2geodetic(rectifying_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    converts from rectifying latitude to geodetic latitude

    like Matlab map.geodesy.RectifyingLatitudeConverter.inverse()

    rectifying_lat : float
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
        reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : float
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    rectifying_lat, ell = sanitize(rectifying_lat, ell, deg)

    n = ell.thirdflattening
    f1 = 3 * n / 2 - 27 * n ** 3 / 32
    f2 = 21 * n ** 2 / 16 - 55 * n ** 4 / 32
    f3 = 151 * n ** 3 / 96
    f4 = 1097 * n ** 4 / 512

    geodetic_lat = (
        + f1 * sin(2 * rectifying_lat)
        + f2 * sin(4 * rectifying_lat)
        + f3 * sin(6 * rectifying_lat)
        + f4 * sin(8 * rectifying_lat)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat