VDIST - Using the WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid, compute the distance between two points

within a few millimeters of accuracy, compute forward azimuth, and compute backward azimuth, all using a vectorized version of Vincenty's algorithm.

s = vdist(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
[s,a12] = vdist(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
[s,a12,a21] = vdist(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
function varargout = vdist(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
%%% Original algorithm source:
% T. Vincenty, "Direct and Inverse Solutions of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid with Application of Nested Equations",
% Survey Review, vol. 23, no. 176, April 1975, pp 88-93. <http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/inverse.pdf>
% Notes:
% # lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2 can be any (identical) size/shape. Outputs will have the same size and shape.
% # Error correcting code, convergence failure traps, antipodal corrections, polar error corrections, WGS84 ellipsoid parameters, testing, and comments: Michael Kleder, 2004.
% # Azimuth implementation (including quadrant abiguity resolution) and code vectorization, Michael Kleder, Sep 2005.
% # Vectorization is convergence sensitive; that is, quantities which have already converged to within tolerance are not recomputed during subsequent iterations (while other quantities are still converging).
% # Vincenty describes his distance algorithm as precise to within 0.01 millimeters, subject to the ellipsoidal model.
% # For distance calculations, essentially antipodal points are
%            treated as exactly antipodal, potentially reducing accuracy
%            slightly.
% # Distance failures for points exactly at the poles are
%            eliminated by moving the points by 0.6 millimeters.
% # The Vincenty distance algorithm was transcribed verbatim by
%            Peter Cederholm, August 12, 2003. It was modified and
%            translated to English by Michael Kleder.
%            Mr. Cederholm's website is http://www.plan.aau.dk/~pce/
% # Distances agree with the Mapping Toolbox, version 2.2 (R14SP3)
%            with a max relative difference of about 5e-9, except when the
%            two points are nearly antipodal, and except when one point is
%            near the equator and the two longitudes are nearly 180 degrees
%            apart. This function (vdist) is more accurate in such cases.
%            For example, note this difference (as of this writing):
%            >>vdist(0.2,305,15,125)
%            18322827.0131551
%            >>distance(0.2,305,15,125,[6378137 0.08181919])
%            0
% # Azimuths FROM the north pole (either forward starting at the
%            north pole or backward when ending at the north pole) are set
%            to 180 degrees by convention. Azimuths FROM the south pole are
%            set to 0 degrees by convention.
% # Azimuths agree with the Mapping Toolbox, version 2.2 (R14SP3)
%            to within about a hundred-thousandth of a degree, except when
%            traversing to or from a pole, where the convention for this
%            function is described in (10), and except in the cases noted
%            above in (9).
% # No warranties; use at your own risk.

  lat1 {mustBeReal}
  lon1 {mustBeReal,mustBeEqualSize(lat1,lon1)}
  lat2 {mustBeReal,mustBeEqualSize(lat1,lat2)}
  lon2 {mustBeReal,mustBeEqualSize(lat1,lon2)}

% Supply WGS84 earth ellipsoid axis lengths in meters:
a = 6378137; % definitionally
b = 6356752.31424518; % computed from WGS84 earth flattening coefficient
% preserve true input latitudes:
lat1tr = lat1;
lat2tr = lat2;
% convert inputs in degrees to radians:
lat1 = lat1 * 0.0174532925199433;
lon1 = lon1 * 0.0174532925199433;
lat2 = lat2 * 0.0174532925199433;
lon2 = lon2 * 0.0174532925199433;
% correct for errors at exact poles by adjusting 0.6 millimeters:
kidx = abs(pi/2-abs(lat1)) < 1e-10;
if any(kidx)
  lat1(kidx) = sign(lat1(kidx))*(pi/2-(1e-10));
kidx = abs(pi/2-abs(lat2)) < 1e-10;
if any(kidx)
  lat2(kidx) = sign(lat2(kidx))*(pi/2-(1e-10));
f = (a-b)/a;
U1 = atan((1-f)*tan(lat1));
U2 = atan((1-f)*tan(lat2));
lon1 = mod(lon1,2*pi);
lon2 = mod(lon2,2*pi);
L = abs(lon2-lon1);
kidx = L > pi;
if any(kidx)
  L(kidx) = 2*pi - L(kidx);
lambda = L;
lambdaold = 0*lat1;
itercount = 0;
notdone = logical(1+0*lat1);
alpha = 0*lat1;
sigma = 0*lat1;
cos2sigmam = 0*lat1;
C = 0*lat1;
warninggiven = false;
while any(notdone)  % force at least one execution
  %disp(['lambda(21752) = ' num2str(lambda(21752),20)]);
  itercount = itercount+1;
  if itercount > 50
      if ~warninggiven
          warning(['Essentially antipodal points encountered. ' ...
              'Precision may be reduced slightly.']);
      lambda(notdone) = pi;
  lambdaold(notdone) = lambda(notdone);

  sinsigma(notdone) = sqrt((cos(U2(notdone)).*sin(lambda(notdone)))...
      cos(U2(notdone)).*cos(lambda(notdone))).^2); %#ok<*AGROW>

  cossigma(notdone) = sin(U1(notdone)).*sin(U2(notdone))+...

  % eliminate rare imaginary portions at limit of numerical precision:
  sigma(notdone) = atan2(sinsigma(notdone),cossigma(notdone));
  alpha(notdone) = asin(cos(U1(notdone)).*cos(U2(notdone)).*...
  cos2sigmam(notdone) = cos(sigma(notdone))-2*sin(U1(notdone)).*...
  C(notdone) = f/16*cos(alpha(notdone)).^2.*(4+f*(4-3*...
  lambda(notdone) = L(notdone)+(1-C(notdone)).*f.*sin(alpha(notdone))...
  %disp(['then, lambda(21752) = ' num2str(lambda(21752),20)]);
  % correct for convergence failure in the case of essentially antipodal
  % points
  if any(lambda(notdone) > pi)
    warning('Essentially antipodal points encountered. Precision may be reduced slightly.')
    warninggiven = true;
    lambdaold(lambda>pi) = pi;
    lambda(lambda>pi) = pi;
  notdone = abs(lambda-lambdaold) > 1e-12;
u2 = cos(alpha).^2.*(a^2-b^2)/b^2;
A = 1+u2./16384.*(4096+u2.*(-768+u2.*(320-175.*u2)));
B = u2./1024.*(256+u2.*(-128+u2.*(74-47.*u2)));
deltasigma = B.*sin(sigma).*(cos2sigmam+B./4.*(cos(sigma).*(-1+2.*...
varargout{1} = b.*A.*(sigma-deltasigma);
if nargout > 1
    % From point #1 to point #2
    % correct sign of lambda for azimuth calcs:
    lambda = abs(lambda);
    kidx=sign(sin(lon2-lon1)) .* sign(sin(lambda)) < 0;
    lambda(kidx) = -lambda(kidx);
    numer = cos(U2).*sin(lambda);
    denom = cos(U1).*sin(U2)-sin(U1).*cos(U2).*cos(lambda);
    a12 = atan2(numer,denom);
    kidx = a12<0;
    % from poles:
    a12(lat1tr <= -90) = 0;
    a12(lat1tr >= 90 ) = pi;
    varargout{2} = rad2deg(a12); % to degrees
if nargout > 2
    % From point #2 to point #1
    % correct sign of lambda for azimuth calcs:
    lambda = abs(lambda);
    kidx=sign(sin(lon1-lon2)) .* sign(sin(lambda)) < 0;
    numer = cos(U1).*sin(lambda);
    denom = sin(U1).*cos(U2)-cos(U1).*sin(U2).*cos(lambda);
    a21 = atan2(numer,denom);
    a21(kidx)= a21(kidx)+2*pi;
    % backwards from poles:
    a21(lat2tr >= 90) = pi;
    a21(lat2tr <= -90) = 0;
    varargout{3} = reshape(rad2deg(a21),keepsize); % to degrees
