GREENWICHSRT Compute greenwich sidereal time from Julian date
compute greenwich sidereal time from D. Vallado 4th edition
Jdate: Julian days from Jan 1, 4713 BCE from juliantime(utc) or juliandate(utc)
gst: greenwich sidereal time [0, 2pi)
function gst = greenwichsrt(Jdate) arguments Jdate {mustBeReal,mustBeNonnegative} end % Vallado Eq. 3-42 p. 184, Seidelmann 3.311-1 tUT1 = (Jdate - 2451545) / 36525; % Eqn. 3-47 p. 188 gmst_sec = 67310.54841 + (876600 * 3600 + 8640184.812866) * tUT1 + 0.093104 * tUT1 .^ 2 - 6.2e-6 * tUT1 .^ 3; % 1/86400 and %(2*pi) implied by units of radians gst = mod(gmst_sec * (2 * pi) / 86400.0, 2 * pi); end