matmap3d API

Geographic coordinate tranformation functions for Matlab.

Git branch / commit: main 602a0e9

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API Reference

R3 rotation matrix for ECI
AER2ECEF convert azimuth, elevation, range to target from observer to ECEF coordinates
AER2ECI convert AER (azimuth, elevation, slant range) to ECI
AER2ENU convert azimuth, elevation, range to ENU coordinates
aer2geodetic convert azimuth, elevation, range of target from observer to geodetic coordiantes
AER2NED convert azimuth, elevation, range to NED coordinates
ECEF2AER convert ECEF of target to azimuth, elevation, slant range from observer
ECEF2ECI rotate ECEF coordinates to ECI
ECEF2ENU convert ECEF to ENU
ECEF2ENUV convert *vector projection* UVW to ENU
ECEF2GEODETIC convert ECEF to geodetic coordinates
ECEF2NED Convert ECEF coordinates to NED
ECI2AER convert ECI to AER (azimuth, elevation, slant range)
ECI2ECEF rotate ECI coordinates to ECEF
ENU2AER convert ENU to azimuth, elevation, slant range
ENU2ECEF convert from ENU to ECEF coordiantes
ENU2ECEFV convert from ENU to ECEF coordinates
ENU2GEODETIC convert from ENU to geodetic coordinates
ENU2UVW convert from ENU to UVW coordinates
GEODETIC2AER converts geodetic coordinates to azimuth, elevation, slant range
GEODETIC2ECEF convert from geodetic to ECEF coordiantes
GEODETIC2ENU convert from geodetic to ENU coordinates
GEODETIC2NED convert from geodetic to NED coordinates
GET_RADIUS_NORMAL normal along the prime vertical section ellipsoidal radius of curvature
GREENWICHSRT Compute greenwich sidereal time from Julian date
VDIST - Using the WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid, compute the distance between two points
VRECKON - Using the WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid, travel a given distance along
WGS84ELLIPSOID - generate a WGS84 referenceEllipsoid