SUBPROCESS_RUN run process for Matlab only
with optional cwd, env. vars, stdin, timeout
handles command lines with spaces input each segment of the command as an element in a string array this is how python works
- cmd_array: vector of string to compose a command line
- opt.env: environment variable struct to set
- opt.cwd: working directory to use while running command
- opt.stdin: string to pass to subprocess stdin pipe
- opt.timeout: time to wait for process to complete before erroring (seconds)
- status: 0 is generally success. -1 if timeout. Other codes as per the program / command run
- stdout: stdout from process
- stderr: stderr from process
subprocess_run(["mpiexec", "-help2"]) subprocess_run(["sh", "-c", "ls", "-l"]) subprocess_run(["cmd", "/c", "dir", "/Q", "/L"])
NOTE: if cwd option used, any paths must be absolute or relative to cwd. otherwise, they are relative to pwd.
uses Matlab Java ProcessBuilder interface to run subprocess and use stdin/stdout pipes
function [status, stdout, stderr] = subprocess_run(cmd, opt)
arguments cmd (1,:) string opt.env (1,1) struct = struct() opt.cwd (1,1) string = "" opt.stdin (1,1) string = "" opt.timeout (1,1) int64 = 0 end
process instantiation
proc = java.lang.ProcessBuilder(cmd); if ~isempty(fieldnames(opt.env)) % env = proc.environment(); fields = fieldnames(opt.env); for i = 1:length(fields) env.put(fields{i}, opt.env.(fields{i})); end end if strlength(opt.cwd) > 0 % assert(isfolder(opt.cwd), "directory %s does not exist", opt.cwd); end
start process
h = proc.start();
stdin pipe
if strlength(opt.stdin) > 0 writer =; writer.write(opt.stdin); writer.flush() writer.close() end
wait for process to complete
tmsg = ""; if opt.timeout > 0 % returns true if process completed successfully % returns false if process did not complete within timeout b = h.waitFor(opt.timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS); if b status = 0; else tmsg = "Subprocess timeout"; status = -1; end else % returns 0 if process completed successfully status = h.waitFor(); end
read stdout, stderr pipes
stdout = read_stream(h.getInputStream()); stderr = read_stream(h.getErrorStream());
close process
h.destroy() stderr = tmsg + stderr; if nargout < 2 && strlength(stdout) > 0 disp(stdout) end if nargout < 3 && strlength(stderr) > 0 warning(stderr) end
end % function subprocess_run function msg = read_stream(stream) % reader =; line = reader.readLine(); msg = ""; while ~isempty(line) msg = append(msg, string(line), newline); line = reader.readLine(); end msg = strip(msg); reader.close() end %!testif 0