READ_SYMLINK read symbolic link
empty string if path is not a symlink
function r = read_symlink(p) arguments p (1,1) string end r = ""; try [ok, t] = isSymbolicLink(p); if ~ok, return, end catch e if strcmp(e.identifier, "Octave:undefined-function") t = readlink(p); elseif strcmp(e.identifier, 'MATLAB:UndefinedFunction') if ~stdlib.is_symlink(p) return end % must be absolute path % must not be .canonical or symlink is gobbled! r = stdlib.absolute(p, "", false); % t = java.nio.file.Files.readSymbolicLink(javaPathObject(r)); end end r = stdlib.posix(t); end %!test %! if !ispc %! p = tempname(); %! this = strcat(mfilename("fullpath"), '.m'); %! assert (read_symlink(p), "") %! assert (create_symlink(this, p)) %! assert (read_symlink(p), this) %! endif