PARENT parent directory of path
function p = parent(p, use_java) arguments p (1,1) string use_java (1,1) logical = false end if use_java % java is about 10x slower than intrinsic p =; else p = stdlib.posix(p); % drop duplicated slashes in the parent path p = regexprep(p, "//+", "/"); if ispc && any(strlength(p) == [2,3]) && isletter(extractBetween(p, 1, 1)) && extractBetween(p, 2, 2) == ":" % 2 or 3 char drive letter p = stdlib.root(p); return end % have to drop_slash on input to get expected parent path p = strip(stdlib.posix(p), "right", "/"); j = strfind(p, "/"); if isempty(j) p = ""; else p = extractBefore(p, j(end)); end end if p == "" p = "."; end p = stdlib.posix(p); end