H5SIZE get shape of HDF5 variable
filename: data filename variable: name of variable inside file
fsize: vector of variable size per dimension. Empty if scalar variable.
function fsize = h5size(file, variable) arguments file (1,1) string variable (1,1) string end dsi = h5info(file, variable).Dataspace; if ~stdlib.isoctave() && dsi.Type == "scalar" fsize = []; else fsize = dsi.Size; end end %!test %! if !isempty(pkg('list', 'hdf5oct')) %! pkg load hdf5oct %! fn = tempname(); %! ds = '/a'; %! a = [1,2]; %! h5save_new(fn, ds, a, size(a), 0) %! assert(h5size(fn, ds), uint64([1,2])) %! delete(fn) %! endif