EXPANDUSER expands tilde ~ into user home directory
Useful for Matlab functions that can't handle ~
- p: path to expand, if tilde present
- e: expanded path
function e = expanduser(p) arguments p (1,1) string end e = stdlib.drop_slash(p); L = stdlib.len(e); if ~L || ~startsWith(e, "~") || (L > 1 && ~startsWith(e, "~/")) return end home = stdlib.homedir(); if stdlib.len(home) == 0 return end d = home; if L < 2 e = d; return end if ischar(e) e = strcat(d, '/', e(3:end)); else e = d + "/" + extractAfter(e, 2); end end %!assert(expanduser(''), '') %!assert(expanduser("~"), homedir()) %!assert(expanduser("~/"), homedir()) %!assert(expanduser("~user"), "~user") %!assert(expanduser("~user/"), "~user") %!assert(expanduser("~///c"), strcat(homedir(), "/c"))