CHECKRAM estimate if RAM will fit a new array
checks that requested memory for the new array won't exceed AVAILABLE RAM with Matlab
This script is optimistic as Matlab won't always be able to create an array using ALL available RAM, but at least you know when you certainly CAN'T create an array without digging deep into swap or worse.
function [OK,newSizeBytes,freebytes] = checkRAM(newSize, myclass) arguments newSize (1,:) {mustBeNumeric} myclass (1,1) string end % get available RAM freebytes = stdlib.ram_free(); % variable sizing switch(myclass) case {'single','int32','uint32'}, bits = 32; case {'double','int64','uint64','float'}, bits = 64; case {'int16','uint16'}, bits = 16; case {'int8','uint8'}, bits = 8; case {'logical','bool'}, bits = 1; case {'string','char'}, bits = 8; % FIXME is this correct? otherwise, error('unhandled variable class: %s', myclass) end newSizeBytes = prod(newSize)*bits / 8; OK = newSizeBytes < freebytes; end %!assert(checkRAM([15,2,1], 'double'), true)