CANONICAL Canonicalize path
c = canonical(p); If exists, canonical absolute path is returned. if any component of path does not exist, normalized relative path is returned. UNC paths are not canonicalized.
This also resolves Windows short paths to long paths.
- p: path to make canonical
- expand_tilde: expand ~ to username if present
- c: canonical path, if determined
function c = canonical(p, expand_tilde) arguments p (1,1) string expand_tilde (1,1) logical = true end c = ""; if expand_tilde e = stdlib.expanduser(p); else e = p; end if ~stdlib.len(e), return, end if ispc && (startsWith(e, "\\") || startsWith(e, "//")) % UNC path is not canonicalized return end if stdlib.isoctave() % empty if any component of path does not exist c = canonicalize_file_name(e); else % errors if any component of path does not exist. % disp("builtin") try %#ok<TRYNC> c = builtin('_canonicalizepath', e); end end if ~stdlib.len(c) c = stdlib.normalize(e); end c = stdlib.posix(c); end %!assert(canonical("", 1), "") %!assert(canonical("~", 1), homedir())