AUTO_CHUNK_SIZE determine HDF5 / NetCDF4 chunk size
based on refer to
- dims: proposed dataset dimensions (like size())
function csize = auto_chunk_size(dims) arguments dims (1,:) {mustBeInteger,mustBePositive} end CHUNK_BASE = 16000; % Multiplier by which chunks are adjusted CHUNK_MIN = 8000; % lower limit: 8 kbyte CHUNK_MAX = 1000000; % upper limit: 1 Mbyte TYPESIZE = 8; % bytes, assume real64 for simplicity csize = dims; if isscalar(dims) || prod(dims) * TYPESIZE < CHUNK_MIN return end dset_size = prod(csize) * TYPESIZE; target_size = CHUNK_BASE * (2.*log10(dset_size / 1e6)); if (target_size > CHUNK_MAX) target_size = CHUNK_MAX; end % print *,'target_size [bytes]: ',target_size i = 0; while true % Repeatedly loop over the axes, dividing them by 2. % Stop when: % 1a. We're smaller than the target chunk size, OR % 1b. We're within 50% of the target chunk size, AND % 2. The chunk is smaller than the maximum chunk size chunk_bytes = prod(csize) * TYPESIZE; if chunk_bytes < target_size || ... 2*(abs(chunk_bytes-target_size) / target_size) < 1 && ... chunk_bytes < CHUNK_MAX break end if prod(csize) == 1 break end % Element size larger than CHUNK_MAX j = mod(i, length(dims)) + 1; csize(j) = ceil(csize(j) / 2); i = i+1; end end %!assert(auto_chunk_size([15,250,100]), [2,32,25])